Benny Hill
Featured Project
Doors: something here about why I am setting this as my featured project or something.
Will Be Completed Soon!
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Eastern plains
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Life in the garden
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I can’t verbalize the internal meaning of pictures whatsoever. Some of my friends can at very mystical levels, but I prefer to say that, if I feel something strongly, I would make a photograph, that would be the equivalent of what I saw and felt… Ansel Adams
In this day and age of things moving so, so fast, we still long for things to stop, and we as a society love the still image… Annie Leibovitz
About Benny
I still think back fondly to when I was ten and the excitement I had when I was given my first camera (a Kodak 110). For me, the journey of pointing at a subject, capturing the light illuminating it, developing (or today downloading) the photo and then viewing it in all its glory is nothing short of magic. I looked at something and was inspired by it. I studied it and studied it some more and then I forever immortalized it.
That very moment, whatever was there that inspired me was fleeting, never to be seen again. It is true that I have taken photos of the same structures (New York’s concrete jungle immediately comes to mind), but each iteration is unique. Within that very moment in time, the light was a certain way, maybe a bird opted to become part of the photo, my mood, or something exterior to the shot perhaps inspired me at that very moment. The important thing for me is that prior to pressing the shutter release, there was something beautiful unfolding. Something so beautiful that inspired me to capture it.
Get In Touch with benny… thank you!
Denver Metro, Colorado
bjam70 (at) duck (dot) com